I had a dream...

I walked slowly through the Elwood Opera House... shadowy apparitions flying overhead, swooping down to harass me as I traverse the room. The door to the right of the stage opens inward and I race to it for shelter from the menacing spectres that seek to do me harm.
Before I reach the door I stumble, falling roughly to the ground. I roll to my right and try to get up but my gaze leads me to a ghostly figure standing between the eastern pillars, a veiled woman robed in white. She reaches for me and I scramble away from her.
Lying on the ground are Tarot cards... I notice the Heirophant, the Moon, the IX of Swords, among others. One card sticks to my hand... I peel it away and am holding the Magician.
I notice the veiled woman backing away. I turn to look over my shoulder and I see a phantasmal figure coming through the North doors. A dark shape, robed like a monkish figure... It forms the LVX from Thelemic Ritual and speaks in a language I don't recognize, but somehow I understand that it is reciting the Star Sapphire (a Crowley-ian Rite).
The figure then puts a finger up to its hood and it says, "Shhhh".
I turn around and I'm standing atop Lada Mitherock, overlooking Shirley Creek. The sound of the artesian well is thunderous. Fireflies dance in the narrow wooded area below and I'm about to go down to join them when a hand grasps my shoulder and says, "I brought them through."
I turn and no one is there.
Then I wake up.
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