On the near horizon...

I will be appearing:
In the July issue of Insidious Reflections in an interview by Richard Hipson. Look for an excerpt from the Shadows Over Somerset sequel, Keepers of the Dead, to be included.
July 4-8 @ the Converse Fair, signing copies of Shadows Over Somerset all week long. Signing times TBA.
July 8th @ the Elwood Opera House, follow-up ghost hunting with the Wabash Paranormal Investigation and Research Group. Late evening/early morning.
July 15th @ Waldenbooks in the North Park Mall, Marion Indiana. Signing from 1-3pm.
July 15th @ a private party. Tarot Readings? Book Signing? Singing old Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, and Concrete Blonde tunes with the house band? Anything's possible. Fun starts @ 7pm.
The month of August will see me hosting a book discussion group at the Empire of the Cat as they dive into Shadows Over Somerset. I hope that those of you who have read the book will join in the discussion.
More to come...
Drink one for me on my 35th!
My Goddess, that's right... 35. Wow. Are we really that old? Your Daddy came to see me the other day, btw. Guess he'd been checking out my blog and wanted confirmation on some things I'd written about.
Preggers on your B'Day... That boy will be here soon enough... then the real fun begins.
Connor is a terror, a lovely terror, but hoooo-boy, he's pushing me, know what I mean :)
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