Elwood Recap

Jason picked me up in the WPIRG SUV at 9:30pm and we set sail for Elwood and the Haunted Opera House. Along for the ride were Jason's son Christian, Chris, Joy, and her daughter Shelby. We would be meeting Tim, his daughter Melissa, and her boyfriend Eddie at the site, along with the buildings owner, Randell, and the building caretaker Keith.
The ride itself was a thrill as I got to have my first listen of the EVP's from my first trip to Elwood and from our investigation at the Converse IOOF. Some truly fantastic sounds were captured by our equipment... Once I get copies for myself I will issue a transciption of the conversations we had, unknowingly, with the beyond.
Now, for some highlights of Saturday Night's Investigation:
*** Upon entering the Blue Room I was struck by a cold chill that was almost crippling. In addition, the air seemed almost too thick to be breathed. I had the overwhelming sense that we were intruding and were unwelcome. I immediately felt we should leave, a sense of dread coursing through my veins... but then the feeling passed and I was left standing in an oppressively humid climate that stayed with us the rest of the night.
Chris' experience, walking in behind me, mirrored my own... We were unwanted this night... We stayed just the same, but we found the spirits elusive...
***My first action was to visit the Tarot, to get a feel for what spirits would be present this night. The spread was an interesting one (see pic 1). First drawn was the Hanged Man which I believe represented the spirit in the back stairwell (pic 5); second drawn was the Devil representing, I believe, the groping, door opening spirit in the former Masonic Pool Room; my next draw found two cards stuck together... the card on top was the Wheel of Fortune, while stuck to it was the IX of Swords... these, to me, represented the veiled woman from my two weeks of lucid dreaming; finally I drew the Magician, which I feel, after discussion with Joy, Shelby, and Chris, represented a "Guardian Spirit" that had followed Shelby from home... an invitation that she and her mother made when they were charging their pendulums before Jason picked them up.
***Following this, we began exploring the second floor. I was thrilled when we entered the main hallway (pic 2) and I smelled the "phantom roses"... this was verified by Joy, Shelby, and Keith, who also caught wind of the ghostly scent.
***Next I took some digital photos of the Blue Room, catching some minor orb activity (pic 3). I include two orbs that I blew up 300% (pics 4a & 4b)
***I again paid a visit to the spirit in the back stairwell (pic 5). My visit experience with this spirit left me shaken and this time it was little different. It is such an overwhelming sensation... his death unexpected and violent...
***I spent most of the rest of the night with Keith, the building's caretaker and amateur historian. His was a wealth of information and I hope to use the information gathered from his research to help further my own so we can come nearer to understanding just why the Elwood Opera House is such a hotbed of paranormal activity...
More to come, I'm sure...
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