The Conqueror Worms

You want to know what I like about Brian Keene? He writes movies. Not just any movies, but summer blockbuster, roller coaster horror movies. Oh, they're novels, don't get me wrong. There's words and everything. What I mean is that Keene has a gift for pacing. His stories race from beginning to end. He doesn't bog the reader down with endless exposition or finely crafted sentences that elevate the English language. No, he tells you a damn story, and you'd better hold on, because these tales are being told with the pedal to the floor, full steam ahead, and damn the torpedoes...
The Conqueror Worms is no different. Keene is hitting on all cylinders with this balls-to-the-wall tale about two old West Virginia good old boys being terrorized by giant earthworms, among other things equally bizarre. Keene's characters are unique and vivid. Our primary protagonist Teddy Garnett tells this story of a global flood that has crippled humanity as he lays dying on the floor of his mountain home. This makes the story even more piognant. We go into the story with the knowledge of our hero's impending fate, and still the narrative pulls us along...
Sure, there are points when the dialogue hits a snag or two, but overall this has been perhaps Keene's finest hour. The Conqueror Worms was apocalyptyic fun and I give it my highest recommendation.
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