Saturday, July 30, 2005

Culloden, that darkest of days...

HISTORY is set to be re-written after archeologists revealed the Jacobite army were far closer to winning the battle of Culloden than previously thought.

The battle, which went down in history as a decisive victory for the notorious Duke of Cumberland, marked the end of the '45 rebellion and left lasting scars on the Scottish psyche.
And for centuries it has been believed that the red-coated government soldiers had utterly destroyed the indisciplined, untrained Jacobite forces of Bonnie Prince Charlie.
But new excavations of the 1746 battleground which has since become part of Scottish folklore have discovered the Jacobites came close to breaking the government line and re-writing history.

Researchers have found evidence that the almost suicidal attack of the Young Pretender's 7000 strong army, armed with dirks and broadswords, forced Cumberland and troops loyal to George II to turn to heavy mortars previously held in reserve to prevent a rout of his troops.
Dr Tony Pollard, of the Two Men in a Trench programme, and a team from Glasgow University archaeological research division, uncovered hundreds of musket balls and evidence of grape canister shot on the English area of the battle.

Dr Pollard said: "It was clear that a huge amount of material was hurled at the Jacobites as they moved forwards. We also managed to find, for the first time, a point at which the Jacobites hit home on the west of the government line. The evidence shows they came a lot closer to breaking through the lines than the histories of the battle suggest."

Thursday, July 28, 2005

When in Rome...

"It is curious to observe how the theory of what is called the Christian Church, sprung out of the tail of the heathen mythology. A direct incorporation took place in the first instance, by making the reputed founder to be celestially begotten. The trinity of gods that then followed was no other than a reduction of the former plurality, which was about twenty or thirty thousand. The statue of Mary succeeded the statue of Diana of Ephesus. The deification of heroes changed into the canonization of saints. The Mythologists had gods for everything; the Christian Mythologists had saints for everything. The church became as crowded with the one, as the pantheon had been with the other; and Rome was the place of both. The Christian theory is little else than the idolatry of the ancient mythologists, accommodated to the purposes of power and revenue; and it yet remains to reason and philosophy to abolish the amphibious fraud."

~Thomas Paine "Age of Reason" (1793)

Saturday, July 23, 2005

A return to the Old Ways continues...

Harry Potter's a Gateway Drug Into the Occult...

Before he became the high and mighty Pope, Cardinal Ratzinger wrote this in a letter to anti-Potter author Gabriele Kuby :

"It is good, that you enlighten people about Harry Potter, because those are subtle seductions, which act unnoticed and by this deeply distort Christianity in the soul, before it can grow properly."

In response to this statement I urge everyone to purchase a copy of the Philosopher's Stone and get it into the hands of the nearest child you can find. We've got work to do :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

They tied me down and forced me to answer their questions...

I have an interview up at The Eternal Night. You can read it here:

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


One of the definative artists of the Dark Knight Detective, Jim Aparo's work for DC Comics is legendary. He was a brilliant storyteller and will be sorely missed. All the best to his friends and family in this time of loss.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Nose to the Grindstone

Doing a little reaearch this morning and ran across this article on keeping your reoccurring characters exciting.

I also have a mammoth list of interview questions to answer for Eternal Night. I'll be sure to offer a link once it goes online.

All for now...busy day ahead.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Harry Potter Mania

Friday, July 15, 2005

It's Friday Potpouri Time!!!

Q & A's with Bob Freeman are being held at HorrorWeb's Written in Blood Messageboard. If you have a question that you've been dying to ask, this is the time and place to do so...

I've written a twisted faerie tale for Wicked Karnival called Seeing Red which is my take on the Little Red Riding Hood tale. Here is some of the feedback I've received:

You hit the theme right on, nice job. I enjoyed this. ~ Freenerve

I really really enjoyed this re-telling of "Little Red Riding Hood"! It had all the elements that make up a fairy tale, and a great twist on the traditional story by turning the tables, making the wolf the hero. I was glad to see that nasty little girl get her comeuppance! Twisting the ending, adding the huntsman and grandmother as 'good' werewolves, also added a 'shades-of-grey' element that I thought was intelligent and well placed. It really modernizes this old fairy tale and warns that, what looks innocent could, indeed, be deadly. While what we see as fierce can, in fact, have a just and gentle side. Great story! ~ Louise

Oh, splendid! Simply splendid! What a shame Granny and the Axeman didn't trot over to mummie's house as well...........You've really used the theme well... ~ Cooldragon

I always hated Little Red Riding Hood--deep down I knew that she was a sadistic little witch. I LOVE this reinvention of the classic tale (in fact, I like it better than the original). The way you twisted the characters and utilized the familiar story was incredibly original and intelligent. It all made perfect sense. I really loved how the woodsman, instead of killing her, transforms into a werewolf himself.Theme wise, you certainly nailed it. You took a classic take and but a unique spin on it. As for writing, you managed to capture the language and narrative flow of a fairy tale perfectly. The piece is very well written and very polished... Great story, Bob. I enjoyed it from begining to end. ~ Tom Moran

And of course, it's Harry Potter time.... so let the Potter hating commence!!

Hey, you can do your part to help celebrate evil by picking up a copy of Cairnwood Manor: Shadows over Somerset. Lots of witchcraft and demonic figures in there :)

Thursday, July 14, 2005


The fate of Norway's remaining wolves - harassed, harried, hunted to the verge of extinction - is symbolic of the state of modern man. If the wild is to survive in our own hearts, it must survive in the world around us. How could we tolerate a world without wolves? The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) has instituted our Norwegian wolf project to ensure that these highly endangered animals are with us always.

Help us save the wolves of Norway by signing these two petitions:

And feel free to join us at our Yahoo Group for further discussions on how we can help to save these magnificent creatures:

Cairnwood Manor: Shadows over Somerset reamins available for pre-order. Visit to order yours today.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Mister Potter

I, like many, eagerly await the lastest chapter in the life of Harry Potter. The frenzy is rising across the States as young and old alike anticipate the release of The Half-Blood Prince. What I wouldn't give to capture the wonder and amazement that Ms. Rowling has... she found that universal pulse in the collective consciousness I think in part because of her compelling characters, but mostly I think because there is something that just rings true within these tales that speak to so many. Harry Potter fires the imagination and lifts us to a believable world where magic and wonderment exist beyond the mundane. As much as I love these books I wish I were a young lad reading them for the first time as oppsed to being a 40 year old crumugeon... I'm sure it would have had the same effect that Star Wars had on me so many years ago...

Cairnwood Manor is coming. Pre-order it through the links found at

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


lionsdenstudios dot com, a staple on the internet for nearly five years, has closed its doors. Lion's Den Studios lives on, however... The Den has merged with the Cairnwood site and a page has already been erected to coronate the change: . Lion's Den Studios will be moving away from monthly comics, and instead focus on the graphic novel. While we feel there is a place for monthlies, we simply can't print in a large enough volume to make them profitable, so we inturn will turn to the novel format and focus our energies on broader storytelling.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Odd that Construction rhymes with Destruction...or is it?

I'm beat.

I've been busting my @$$ trying to get my writing den squared away. Drywalling has never been one of my favorite endeavors, and this experience has been little different from past debaucles. I think it will look fine once finished, but I'm starting to feel my age...

The real challenge will be the mudding/sanding process which I hope to start by Wednesday (unless I feel especially froggy tonight). Then comes the painting, then the flooring, and finally, the carrying of 10K books up the stairway to their new home.

And then? It's back to the writing, which I miss more than these humble words can express.

Well, that's all for today. I think I'll leave you with THIS little gem. Hey, can you blame her, after all, our futures are written in the stars...

Saturday, July 02, 2005

There Can Be Only One (Again)

Adrian Paul to Produce Highlander 5

Highlander TV star Adrian Paul said on his official Web site that he will executive-produce and star in a fifth movie in the SF franchise, which is currently in script stage, with an eye to a production start in Eastern Europe later this year. "David Abramowitz [a writer on the Highlander TV series] is putting the final touches on the script, and, once approved, it will go into preproduction later this year," Paul wrote.
Paul played Duncan MacLeod in the popular television series, which ran from 1992-'98, based on the series of SF movies. He also appeared in the last Highlander movie, 2000's Endgame, opposite Christopher Lambert, who played Connor MacLeod. "I always said I would never do another one unless I had more control over the final product," Paul said. "Well, this time I am executive-producing it. Brett Leonard [Lawnmower Man] is set to direct. Be ready to see a new Highlander film that has the quality of [the] television series, with a new sound and look for 2006. Everyone is excited to be able to produce something that we have more control over and to revamp such a successful franchise. Once the rights fell back to Davis-Panzer Productions, Peter Davis approached me to star and executive-produce."

Friday, July 01, 2005

Frey's Day

Some great information concerning the evolution of the John Mellencamp/Stephen King musical that is in the works...Click HERE to read al about it.

Great article in the Scotsman on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's occult interests. Read it HERE

One of my favorite movies, The Wicker Man!, is being remade with Nicholas Cage starring. HERE is an interesting look at this movie in the early stages of production.

Laurell K. Hamilton held one of her "Wolf Howl" Events Wednesday night. Read BloodWing's take on the event HERE... spoilers for Danse Macabre abound...

Shocklines and Black Death are still accepting pre-orders for Cairnwood Manor: Shadows over Somerset. Have you ordered your copy yet? No? Well, then Click HERE to order.