Monday, June 27, 2005


Click HERE to sign the petition that will hopefully help to save the Wolves of Norway...
The Norwegian Wolf is a symbol of the spirit of our Northern European Ancestors. To allow them to become the victims of genocide would be the same as turning our backs on our most sacred heritage. Please take the time to sign this petition as we plead with the Norwegian government to stop the culling of these proud beasts.

Hail the Ancient Gods of our Forefathers!
Hail the Spirit of the Untamed Wolf!

Today's Items of Interest

One of my favorite periods of British history is getting a facelift:

The Mystery of the Blue Stones Quary Site Solved? Hey, any chance I get to read about this site is considered a good day for me... Click here for the full story.

Here's an interesting book I found listed on

Aleister Crowley and the Ouija Board by J Edward Cornelius.

Advocates who scream that the Ouija board is dangerous will most likely find this the most contemptible book ever written. They will ague that the Ouija board is well known for causing obsessions, possessions, unleashing poltergeists and creating hauntings; claiming it to be a portal into Hell. But what they fail to realize is that these tragedies prove beyond a shred of a doubt that the board is capable of bridging the invisible world with our own...Instead of fearing this concept why not learn to use it more effectively?

One of the greatest ceremonial magicians of all time, Aleister Crowley, actually advocated the Ouija board's use. If it were only a child's game would he have given the implement any consideration at all? He strongly believed that the board utilizes the same principles which were practiced by the famed Elizabethan magician John Dee. He used a crystal ball as a means of skrying or seeing into the invisible realms. Within these realms Dee encountered entities who communicated their messages by pointing to one letter at a time on huge boards of letters.

According to Crowley, the same principle holds true for the talking board but, instead of going within the invisible realms, we summon the entities into our world in order for them to move the triangle from one letter to another to spell out messages. One of Crowley's earliest students, Frater Achad (Charles Stansfeld Jones), had great success when using the Ouija board. In fact, Crowley was so pleased with the outcome that he wrote, "You see how very satisfactory it is, but I believe things improve greatly with practice."

We agree and this book will attempt to show how anyone, with the proper knowledge, can bring invisible beings through an Ouija board. It's actually quite simple, often so simple that it eludes people. Magicians have long known that the triangular shape of the planchette is a unique magickal symbol that automatically acts as an invisible doorway. In fact, it's so unique that when someone places their hands on the triangle and asks, "Is Someone there?", it enacts a simplistic but never-the-less magical command for an entity to be summoned through the portal. This book will teach you how to cast open the invisible gates and you'll learn for the first time anywhere the truth about dark secrets regarding the talking board which have only been whispered behind closed doors for centuries.

Product Details:Paperback 172 pages (November 9, 2005) Publisher: Feral House
Language: English ISBN: 1932595104

To order Cairnwood Manor: Shadows over Somerset, follow one of the links found at

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Divorce decree violates civil rights, says father
Linsey Davis/Eyewitness News (WTHR CH.13)
Indianapolis, June 24 -

Tom Jones Jr. no longer wears a wedding band. That's why he went to court two years ago.
But it's what he wears on the ring finger of his right hand that has him back in court now. "The pinnacle is significant in that it represents the five elements. It's a symbol of protection."
But some see the symbol of the WICCA religion as one of controversy. In fact, national attention is now on Tom's case after he went to court for a finalization of divorce and ended up with a ruling on his religion.
"Eleven days later we got paperwork stating we could not allow our son to view or participate or to be taught our religious beliefs. It was a mind-blowing experience because I'm standing there reading the divorce decree and the first words out of my mouth are the exact words that have come out of everybody's mouth I have told about this. "They can't do that."
But they have. Not one, but two judges have already heard the case and now the Indiana Civil Liberties Union has submitted a brief to the Indiana Court of Appeals.
"There's separation of church and state, a violation of our civil rights, there's the vagueness of the judge classifying it as our own mainstream beliefs. Define nonmainstream."
Currently there are more than 500,000 practicing WICCANS throughout the United States.
As it stands right now, Tom Jones's nine-year-old son isn't allowed by law to be one of them.
Beverly Phillips, spokeswoman for Superior Court of Marion County, said, "This is not an attack on WICCA or the First Amendment. The judge and commissioner support the constitutional guarantee concerning freedom of religion. But this case is not just about freedom of religion. It's about the court's obligation to protect minor children from certain rituals that might be harmful to their well-being, whether or not those things are affiliated with a religion."
"To have that basic right ripped from you, to be told you can't raise your child the way you believe, I hope no one ever has to go through this. Jones adds, "It's for my son and my grandchildren."
This legal battle has continued for nearly 14 months so far. Jones says if the Indiana Court of Appeals does not side with him, he will take his case as far as he has to go.
In the meantime, his nine-year-old son continues to go to attend an Indianapolis Catholic school.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Friday's Walkabout the Web

First, a reminder that Shocklines and KHP are still taking advanced orders for Cairnwood Manor: Shadows over Somerset. Be sure to reserve your copy now.

Secondly, Wicked Karnival #4 (which features my short story Unfettered) is still available. Visit their website to order a copy for yourself. It is filled with great articles and top-notch horror fiction.

And now, for the rest of what's going on... Today's theme seems to be Witches in Fiction, what with the new Bewitched movie materializing in your local cinema... So, hang on to your broomstick, kiddies, 'cause here we go:

The Express Times / The Winnipeg Sun / The Chicago Tribune

And for a taste of the absurd, the Northern Ireland Newsletter has this.

And for something that will really get your goat, let's look at something political:

WASHINGTON - A divided Supreme Court ruled Thursday that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses against their will for private development in a decision anxiously awaited in communities where economic growth often is at war with individual property rights. The 5-4 ruling — assailed by dissenting Justice Sanday Day O'Connor as handing "disproportionate influence and power" to the well-heeled in America — was a defeat for some Connecticut residents whose homes are slated for destruction to make room for an office complex.

Welcome to the New World Order, ladies and gentlemen.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Muchos Gracias

Many thanks to those of you who have placed advance orders for Shadows over Somerset. This has been an exciting time for me and my family and I'm sure it will escalate once the book can actually be placed in everyone's hands.

Remember to support Shocklines who are offering the book signed and are charging no shipping fees to US customers. You can't beat that deal.

I will be announcing the Book Release Party soon. Check this site for developments.

And thanks again for your continued support.

(Unfettered, my short story in Wicked Karnival #4 is getting rave reviews. Be sure to check it out at the link below...)

Saturday, June 11, 2005


My short story, Unfettered, is now available in the downloadable .pdf of Wicked Karnival Magazine #4... Check it out here (p. 83):

Don't forget to pre-order your copy of Cairnwood Manor: Shadows over Somerset. Just follow the links on the front page of

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


That's right, boys and girls, Cairnwood Manor: Shadows over Somerset is at long last available for pre-order through the Black Death website. I am truly elated and look forward to pimping my wares over the coming months.

Thank you all for your continued support.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Greasing the Wheels

In Doug Clegg's most recent blog entry, he wrote: There's a point in a novel where, if I leave it even for a day, it takes many days to get back into it. I've found it's better to just cancel other plans and focus on the writing. Sometimes, I've lost friends over this, although perhaps I've lost them for other reasons.

This is something that non-writers have trouble grasping. When a book is in your head, and I mean really in your head, it is all consuming. It takes you over and, damn the torpedos, you have to ride that beast until it quits bucking. I've known writers who have lost their aforementioned friends, spouses, significant others, and the like, to the all powerful muse. She is jealous and demands your time, because if you're not writing it, you're thinking about it, and when you're thinking about it everything else falls away and is neglected. A story burns deep and is maddening, especially if you write without a net (like I do).

I'm one of the lucky ones. My wife Kim is very supporitive of my writing. She sees the wheels turning and is gracious enough to clear the way for me to speed toward a story's conclusion. I am more than grateful for her support and I honestly doubt I could do this without her. She greases the wheels that turn and is as important to the process as I am. She keeps the house together, the bills paid, the child cared for...while I slouch off into the dark of night to spend what hours I may crafting my tenebrious tales.

She is my most valuable asset. Every writer should have one.

Friday, June 03, 2005

The Plight of the Norwegian Wolves: How to Help!!!

Heilsa Bob,
This is Kimberley Remen, the AFA's representative in Norway. Steve McNallen forwarded your email to me. Thank you so much for your support of the Norwegian Wolves. We are going to need every bit we can get. There is a lot of opposition to their very existence by the high powered livestock farming lobbyists. Your enthusiasm is very encouraging! Steve McNallen and I are going to be putting together a petition that you will be able to sign online. I am starting a distribution list of the people who have generously volunteered their help, so as soon as that petition is ready, I will send out emails with the URL. Once you receive it, we would appreciate it if you share it with others you think would care to sign it as well. The more interest we can show, the better.
What you can do in the meantime is send an email or letter expressing your concerns to the addresses I've included below. People tend to take letters more seriously when they arrive in the post, so I've included both email and post addresses so you can choose. The first is for the World Wildlife Fund in Norway. If we get enough people bugging them about it, we can get them moving on it again at high speed (like they were about the time of the recent wolf hunt). The second and third are the addresses to the Prime Minster of Norway, and the Minister of the Environment of Norway.
If you wish to make a donation, there is a donation link on the AFA's website. I'm not sure if you can earmark it for a specific purpose that way, but if you have any questions about that I'm sure Steve can take care of it.
The wolves have no voice in this political atmosphere, and I fear that if we don't do something, then the people of Norway will never again hear their beautiful song. The sheep farmers are stuck in their ways of allowing their sheep to roam without shepherding them, and in such an environment they are indeed open to predators. I have several ideas to propose to the conservationists and the government to strike a balance and preserve them for generations to come.
I for one am grateful for all the support we can get! :D
Once again, thank you for your support. We will notify you of any major changes, and of course will provide the petition link when it is available.
Hail the Wolves!
Hail the Gods!
Kimberley Remen

Rasmus Hansson,
Secretary General WWF-Norway
Tel: + 47 22 03 65 14

Prime Minister, Kjell Magne Bondevik
You can use this link and choose email the Prime Minister in the upper right hand side of the site to send an email directly through his site.
The Office of the Prime Minister
P.O.Box 8001 Dep N-0030 Oslo
Telephone: +47 22 24 90 90
Fax: +47 22 24 95 00

Minster of the Environment, Knut Arild Hareide
Ministry of the Environment
P.O. Box 8013 Dep 0030 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 24 90 90,
Fax: +47 22 24 95 60

Thank the gods...It's Friday!

Here be my ugly mug:

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Wednesday Grab Bag

Student Loans- Stay away from them, young readers, at all cost. They will haunt you to an early grave, dragging you down like the chain's of Marley's Ghost. I have been jumping through hoops for weeks and am at wits end. I just might blow a gasket on this one.

Keepers of the Dead- A bright side to the student loan fiasco is that I'm writing a scene today featuring a critical moment in the formative history of the Cairnwood's and it entails a young man with unfettered rage. Not hard for me to tap into those emotions right now. Book is going so much better than expected.

News- With Deep Throat revealed and confirmed, I can't help but think that somewhere, out there, G. Gordon Liddy is dusting off his old sniper rifle and preparing payback. OK, not really, but wow...what's next? JFK assassination conspirator's reunion at the Holiday Inn?

Awaiting Confirmation- Reserved a hotel room for our foray to Chicago in August for the Wizard World Chicago Convention. If you have a chance you should come out and see us. I'll be signing copies of Shadows over Somerset and it'll give you a chance to pick up some of our comics as well.

Delayed- The June issue of Wicked Karnival, featuring my short story Unfettered has been pushed back to a June 15th release. Unfettered is a Cairnwood Manor tale and a must read for fans of Shadows over Somerset...

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