Friday, July 15, 2005

It's Friday Potpouri Time!!!

Q & A's with Bob Freeman are being held at HorrorWeb's Written in Blood Messageboard. If you have a question that you've been dying to ask, this is the time and place to do so...

I've written a twisted faerie tale for Wicked Karnival called Seeing Red which is my take on the Little Red Riding Hood tale. Here is some of the feedback I've received:

You hit the theme right on, nice job. I enjoyed this. ~ Freenerve

I really really enjoyed this re-telling of "Little Red Riding Hood"! It had all the elements that make up a fairy tale, and a great twist on the traditional story by turning the tables, making the wolf the hero. I was glad to see that nasty little girl get her comeuppance! Twisting the ending, adding the huntsman and grandmother as 'good' werewolves, also added a 'shades-of-grey' element that I thought was intelligent and well placed. It really modernizes this old fairy tale and warns that, what looks innocent could, indeed, be deadly. While what we see as fierce can, in fact, have a just and gentle side. Great story! ~ Louise

Oh, splendid! Simply splendid! What a shame Granny and the Axeman didn't trot over to mummie's house as well...........You've really used the theme well... ~ Cooldragon

I always hated Little Red Riding Hood--deep down I knew that she was a sadistic little witch. I LOVE this reinvention of the classic tale (in fact, I like it better than the original). The way you twisted the characters and utilized the familiar story was incredibly original and intelligent. It all made perfect sense. I really loved how the woodsman, instead of killing her, transforms into a werewolf himself.Theme wise, you certainly nailed it. You took a classic take and but a unique spin on it. As for writing, you managed to capture the language and narrative flow of a fairy tale perfectly. The piece is very well written and very polished... Great story, Bob. I enjoyed it from begining to end. ~ Tom Moran

And of course, it's Harry Potter time.... so let the Potter hating commence!!

Hey, you can do your part to help celebrate evil by picking up a copy of Cairnwood Manor: Shadows over Somerset. Lots of witchcraft and demonic figures in there :)


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