Monday, July 11, 2005

Mister Potter

I, like many, eagerly await the lastest chapter in the life of Harry Potter. The frenzy is rising across the States as young and old alike anticipate the release of The Half-Blood Prince. What I wouldn't give to capture the wonder and amazement that Ms. Rowling has... she found that universal pulse in the collective consciousness I think in part because of her compelling characters, but mostly I think because there is something that just rings true within these tales that speak to so many. Harry Potter fires the imagination and lifts us to a believable world where magic and wonderment exist beyond the mundane. As much as I love these books I wish I were a young lad reading them for the first time as oppsed to being a 40 year old crumugeon... I'm sure it would have had the same effect that Star Wars had on me so many years ago...

Cairnwood Manor is coming. Pre-order it through the links found at


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