Beware the Witches of Hollywood

By MARY FRANCES GURTON, L.A. Independent Staff Writer
Got magick?
At Panpipes Magickal Marketplace in Hollywood, factions from every sector of the occult underworld can find what they need for paranormal or supernatural magic — black or white — witchcraft and sorcery, wizardry, astrology, alchemy, practical mysticism, voodoo, divination and fortune-telling.
“We cater to all traditions,” says owner Vicky Adams, 38, dressed a la Elvira at the shop’s Cahuenga Boulevard location. “Everyone has a right to practice what they feel, what’s right for them.”
Pagan symbology dominates throughout the store and is joined by that of Nordic and Celtic rites denoting the confluence of wide-ranging influences at what is known as the world’s oldest occult shop, first opened in 1961.
Jymie Darling, 36, and Adams, partners in the store and in life, have owned the shop since 1998, but both have been involved with it for much longer than that.
And their passion for the occult has existed for even longer, stemming from the years each spent at Catholic schools, Adams in Australia and Darling in Los Angeles.
“I take the ‘Wow’ out of the occult,” says Darling, the store’s lead alchemist whose doctorate in Ancient Religions from Cambridge University informs her explanation of occult history and the pair’s philosophy of tolerance and open-mindedness.
“The basic law of physics is that energy never dies, it just changes formats. So when a psychic or diviner speaks to someone who’s died, they are simply speaking to a different format. Human beings are basically an energy format.”
The philosophies of all religions, pagan, Christian, and otherwise overlap and influence each other throughout history, the pair stresses.And just how did two good Catholic girls wind up in a place like this? “You get out of Christianity or other organized religions,” says Adams, who explains that the Australian Catholicism she was exposed to focused on the strength of women, “because you don’t want to be directed by fear or because you want to find a way to have a direct contact with the divinity.”
Darling said a teacher at the Catholic high school she attended in the Valley told an entire class there was little difference between a book of Grimm’s Fairy Tales and the Bible.
“He wasn’t there long after that,” said Darling, her tousle of red hair and thick black eyeliner a clear indicator of her characterization by many as a witch, a term she said is as often misused as it is misunderstood. “But the bottom line is there are a profound amount of similarities between the religions. All are right, and all are not right.
“I prefer to be referred to as a occultist.”
The owners have literally been terrorized as a result of those misunderstandings, even having bottles thrown at them when they leave the shop, among other assaults.
A “Biker for Christ” came into the store, smashing up the glass counters while telling them they would burn in hell forever for their beliefs, Darling said.
“Every Friday someone comes and puts a pile of Christian tracts under the door,” says Adams. “What I don’t like is [feeling] ‘Why can’t I do what is right for me, when I let you do what is right for you?”
Meanwhile, the pair have been used as consultants for TV shows and movies such “X-Files,” and most recently “Pirates of the Caribbean,” for which they helped the producers accurately portray various voodoo scenes.
Actress Patricia Arquette, star of NBC’s hit series “Medium,” is rumored to be a regular.
Of the many difficulties that come with being a practitioner of her variety, Darling says, “If I can change or open one mind about what we really do, I feel that I am a complete success. I’m out of the broom closet, literally.”
I think this article was great!
I made my uncle take me there last summer because i told him it was owned by the actors in the craft( i lied!)
I was totalluy fascinated with both of them at first i thoght they were weird and like scary( they prpbably thought that of me), but thet were totally cool and nice! and gave some pointers on expanding my spirituality.
i had no idea on some of the obstacles they go through and just give them props on be the people they are!!!!!!
Jymie Darling is a liar. She never lived in the valley and she most certainly never attended Cambridge University. Check their records. She does not have a doctorate.
Anon is a bitter little man full of lies and is a criminal that is threatening Ms Darling with physical violence. He has been reported to the police.
Ms Darling lived in.Sylmar. you might want get your facts straight criminal.
Ms Darling attended college under her married name. And wasn't Owens. Anon knows nothing of Ms Darlings life. He is actually a sick individual who is need of mental health help immediately. He has threatened her life, stalked her for years and is utterly unhinged. We actually fear for her safety from this lunatic.
Considering I have had 5 last names in my last and a couple of would be impossible for a actually know what I have and have not done since some of my last names before I returned to my maiden name was not filed in the US as was my marriage in Germany. I am sorry that everyone is being harassed. However if you want proof of.anything ever said...hit me up. I have it and will gladly give it to you. I am currently being stalked by a very unhinged individual who believes it is his duty to clean up the world of who he perceived as evil. He is dangerous and extremely violent. He thinks he has my entire background and obviously does not. And yes...that is correct. It was not under Darling nor Owens.
As a long time customer I am happy to say that I got proof that Jymie Darling, albeit under another last name, actually did attend Cambridge and later UCLA. I actually know what name she was under during that period but am going to sife on caution and let her gibe that out on her discretion.
I am thrilled with the experiences that I have had over the last 15 years. Being in the store yesterday...I can confirm that there is no beds in the store and that Ms Darling has indeed departed for the other coast.
I am fully aware that there is a mentally ill individual stalking Ms Darling. However, whatever proof that is being fabricated against her has nothing to do with the superb service, the amazing oils and candles that actually work. I can without a doubt, verify her deployment overseas as i served with her. I hope this helps clear up the insanity of one unhinged person for a pillar of the community.
I will return again and again.
OMG....where do I begin? Peter G stalks me for the last 10 years in person and the last 5 on the web as he cannot find me anymore.
The store is actually a great store. Oldest occult store in the nation. His review has nothing to do with the store and is his frustration because of his obsession with me. I am actually scared of this individual and he is actually dangerous.
Truth of the matter is he was a customer of the store about 10 years ago. I think I might have blown him off according to my partner when I came in from running errands and it shattered his world. I was having a bad day. Seriously, get over it. I am a business owner not your goddess. OMG. You have terrorized me in person and on the web for 10 years. You send me creepy messages that say return to the cute, innocent little dimpled girl and I will leave you alone. What does that even mean??????
My military paperwork was shown to people. It states clearly on my DDFORM214 Desert Storm/Shield and Munitions Journeyman. My hospital records are NONE of your business, but I would not be receiving care at the VA hospital for free if my injuries were not service connected and proven to be me...they just do not say..HERE YOU GO.
You contacted my ex husband in Texas??? Are you serious??? WOW!! Luckily you do not and have not found the name of my second ex-husband...which incidentally is the name I attended Cambridge under. My degree was finished at another University here in California...not about to divulge that info to you as you are INSANE and SCARY.
Living in the store? I kept clothes and a toothbrush there my whole time I was at the store for media a business owner who does not. Did I occupy the back apartment for a bit? Yes...not long tho. Long enough to get a court order to remove any further addresses of mine from being posted as YOU run background checks on me constantly. Yes...I get notices when you do. Who does that? What is wrong with you? You have terrorized me, my son, my family, my business partners, my friends. What is wrong with you????? You are constantly writing reviews of lies that make me sound like this horrible person...according to you it is to draw me out into the public that I have shunned because I cannot even remember what you look like so I am terrified to be out in the open for fear you are going to stab me or attack me. You are truly win. I walked away from the store from serving people. I only teach via Skype now. I rarely leave my house. I run the business via computer and internet now. I have a new web based business that I run solely from a desk. Happier? I am a veteran. I am a Ph.D. I am now a published author. And for all that I do for thousands of people...teaching and comforting them TERRORIZE me because you cannot seem to find all the information on a SPECIAL WEAPONS think maybe you cannot because I was SPECIAL WEAPONS? You want my entire history and background splayed out to you....NO. I have proven my paperwork to several people who have read your nastiness all over the web. They are more than satisfied that I am for real and you are psychotic.
Google jymie darling fraud and you'll see that she is a fake. She pretends to be other people defending her. She has several mental disorders and ANY time she is questioned she demonizes that person. She will never publish anything to guarantee her Cambridge degee which, by the way, the school does NOT offer the degrees she claims to have received there. Her military service is nowhere near what she claims it to be. She was not a combat anything. All of her websites look like they came from 1998 and have an embarrassing amount of hits. She erased her social media accounts due to the public prrssure, I'm sure, and good riddance. Who knows what name she'll use next.
This is an idiot. I use my own name. My social media accounts still exist. The REAL stolen valor gave me the thumbs up. Several people I served with have verified me. Cambridge offers Anthropology and my specific was philosophy and theology. Good try losers.
My Facebook and Instagram are all still up. My facebook has over 3000 friends. Wow. The lies of these psycho Christians know no end.
and the comment on mental illness. Low blow asshole. It is called PTSD from a TBI that I received in the military. Psycho yet again strikes.
Jymie Lynn Darling @OccultistDarlin @makeupgrrl13 Babylon Gardens Apothecary @babylonapoth @babylongardens the_fiendish_jyms @babylongardens Vodou Shoppe @vodoushoppe @babylongardens @darlingjymie83 @evilone777 @Valkyrie79 @lapagancommunity #sorryiaccusedagruntofrape #Occultist #PaganDayFest #Alchemist #BabylonGardensApothecary #pagan #jymiedarling #magick #alchemy #lawyersinvolvednow #courtsarevacatingorders #thankyouauntiebarb #mentalpatient #photoshop #fakedevidence #costumeclass #stalking #slander #antigovernmentnutjob #trumpsupporter #gunnut #fbishouldwatchlist #obssessive #successisrevenge #clearedofallwrong #foundmyTDYpapers #veteran #jymiedarling #jymielynndarling #lifeisgood #lovingmylife #goodtimes
Cambridge has no record, of not only her last name, but her first name. A female named Jymie isn't all that common.
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