Day Three...the Converse Fair

I took the night off. There I said it. I had fully intended on setting up for a third straight night in the Merchant's Building and signing copies of Shadows Over Somerset. I didn't... and I offer no apologies... As you can see from the pictures, I instead had a wonderful evening with my wife Kim, son Connor (who at 2 1/2 years of age shocked me by spelling his name yesterday...damn that boy is smart), and Cassie...
Kim and I watched as our two darling charges relished in their youth... and we had an awesome time. We ate bad fair food, got ice cream from the Big Dipper on the way home, and to round the evening out, Kim and I watched Rock Star: Supernova while baby boy sleapt between us on the living room floor.
Life is good. I'll sell some books tomorrow... last night was for family. It was worth every second.
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