Converse Fair Recap & Book Signing Announcement

I had intended to use the week of the fair as a means of self-promotion. My expectations for sales were very low. I mean, shopping for books is not exactly on your to-do list when your headed out for carnival rides and cotton candy.
I did meet a lot of interested people and got to talk up my novels and short stories... and lots of people were really fascinated by my work with the Nightstalkers and the Wabash Paranormal Investigation & Research Group.
All that being said, let's look at the tally for sales for the week:
8 Trade paperbacks of Shadows Over Somerset
1 limited edition Shadows Over Somerset Hardcover
2 over-sized paperbacks of Autumn Moon and the Book of Secrets (and other dark tales)
2 copies of the Autumn Moon and the Book of Secrets magazine
1 copy of the Cairnwood Manor limited edition magazine
I'd call that a very successful week. Thanks to everyone who helped make it a success.
Now, on to other news.
I would like to invite you all to a book signing...
I will be appearing
Saturday July 15th
from 1-3pm
at Waldenbooks
in the North Park Mall
Marion Indiana
I hope to see you there.
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