Odd Occurrences at the Odd Fellows

The third floor, added to the building in 1891, was home to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. There were seven rooms total: an entry room, a cloak room, two storage rooms, a small closet that had been converted into a toilet, and a grand ballroom. The ballroom is an awe-inspiring area. Water-damage to the ceiling has left the wallpaper hanging in long, ragged sheets. Tall windows loomed ominous, allowing ambient light from the world outside to filter into the former ritual chamber of the fraternal order. The real hotbed of activity did not begin here however... instead, it was in the smallest room in the building that offered up our first real sense of excitement. The small, make-shift restroom struck first...
I entered the tight space and immedietly was struck by what I call my "spider-sense". It is my built-in paranormal detector. I broke out in a hot sweat and felt an intense flutter in my stomach. I immediately called for assistance. "Quick, someone come take a reading," I called out. Tim answered my alarm, armed with a handheld EMF Detector. It schreeched in aghreement. Something was there. Something mobile. It kept shifting its location until it finally was able to escape our attention.
Later in the evening, Jason, Tim, and I were standing in the ballroom. Jason was trying to capture some EVP when Tim and I both heard an audible gasp coming from the cloak room, followed by the sound of shuffling footsteps moving from the cloak room to the entry chamber.
Other investigators reported similar occurences.
We tore down equipment around 1 am and called it a night. Jason reported to me on Sunday that after going over roughly ten percent of the tapes, that we had captured the sounds of footsteps, voices, and that at one point, one of the camera actually was moved. We had set these recording devices up and left for two hours, allowing them to capture whatever might be present without human interaction. It seems that we are not to be disappointed. Definative evidence seems to be in our grasp.
I eagerly await the results as the W.P.I.R.G. technical team pours over the evidence we collected.
Stay tuned for further updates.
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