Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Byte Marks (vol. 1 / no. 8)

This is a reposting of a review I did for a wonderful paranormal romance penned by one of my new favorite authors. And I'm not just saying that because my artwork graces the cover of this title's re-release. This review was made before I called its author a friend. So, read on and then, if you've a mind to, order this book. You won't be disappointed...

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Queen of Gothic Romance.

Tracy Jones has woven a tale steeped in mystery, intrigue, and romance that will quite simply keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. She hits all of the conceits of Gothic Romance - imperiled heroine, exotic locale, brooding and malevolent castle, devilishly handsome dark hero, labyrinthian family secrets - without any of it seeming cliche.

The characters are well developed throughout, from our protagonist right down to the castle staff. Each comes alive on the page, and each carry a piece of the underlying mystery, but perhaps the most vivid character is the atmosphere itself. Ms Jones breathes dark life into the peregrine landscape and makes you feel like you are there in a way that few authors can.

What sets Scent of the Wolf apart is a palpable evil that lies waiting just beyond the printed word. You are drawn in and expect with each turn of the page to be confronted with your darkest fears. This really is a novel that will carry you along. Its maddening pace leads to but one place, and I guarantee it will not be what you expect. Not by any stretch.

Tracy Jones is able to do what few others have done before and that is to create an authentic Gothic Romance that is filled with true horror. I cannot recommend this novel highly enough.

4.25 out of 5 stars

Order your copy HERE

Monday, February 12, 2007

Byte Marks (Vol. 1 / No. 7)

The Wide Game: A Novel of Terror and Suspense by Michael West (Publish America, 2003)

One of the first things that jumped out at me about The Wide Game is that it is a book written for horror movie fans. With cinematic pacing, Michael West draws the reader in with a director's touch. With a deft hand, West creates wonderful characters who live and breathe on the page. While some of the dialogue is somewhat forced, it is easily forgiven because of the depth West invokes within them.

The true star of the book is something I'm all too familar with... the Corn. Having grown up in a rural farming community not unlike Harmony, I played similar games in my youth. It was easy for me to allow Michael to lure me into those terror filled rows and make me cringe at what might lurk there in the dark.

A fine first novel, Michael West has crafted a story he can be proud of and one I would encourage any horror fan to take a chance on. There are moments where his inexperience comes to bear, but they are few and far between... and overshadowed by a undeniable potential to be an important voice in the realm of horror fiction.

3 out of 5 stars