Highlander: the Source

Highlander fans may want to look away... This is a little something I tracked down concerning the upcoming release of HIGHLANDER: THE SOURCE starring Adrian Paul and Peter Wingfield
The world is falling into chaos. As he roams a crumbling city, Duncan MacLeod, the Highlander, remembers happier times with Anna, a mortal woman and one of the loves of his life. Unable to have children with MacLeod, she left and with her went MacLeod’s reason for living.
Elsewhere, an Immortal named Zai is being hunted by the Guardian. Zai belongs to a group of Immortals trying to find the Source, a story whispered among Immortals of their place of origin. The Guardian is its protector.
He joins the other members of the group in a virtual internet chatroom: Methos, MacLeod’s mysterious ancient friend, Reggie, a vodka-guzzling astronomer and Giovanni, a Cardinal and the leader of the group.
Zai has taken a bronze mask from the Guardian. It has a strange pattern which may be code or a map. An ancient one known as the Abbot may be able to decipher it. He is hiding in a monastery. But, before Zai can join them, he is intercepted by the Guardian and beheaded.
During a brief fight with the Guardian, during which MacLeod is nearly killed and told he has "pissed away" his gift, MacLeod is rescued by Joe Dawson, one of the Watchers, a group of mortals who observe and chronicle the Immortals living among them. Joe takes him to the monastery of the Abbot where MacLeod finds Anna. Giovanni is less than thrilled to find this mortal woman joining them on their quest.
The Abbot is a hideous figure - his blue skin hangs in loose folds like blankets - and he explains how long ago he found the Source and fought the Guardian. He was defeated and punished with a fate far worse than death. He cannot die but his body continues to age, withering away and turning him into an abomination.
The Abbot senses something about Anna, her connection to the Source, and as his ancient finger caresses her cheek, she has a vision - a constellation of stars rising over her. Reggie figures out the location and plots their course.
Outside the monastery, Dawson is killed by the Guardian. MacLeod loses his katana fighting him, and they continue the quest on a boat, following the stars.
After reaching land, a dead body strung about as they pull ashore, they stop for the night. Anna rises like a sleepwalker drawn away by a pulsing alignment of stars. She disappears into the night. As they search for her and the Source, they are cut down one by one.
Finally, only MacLeod is left. He reaches Anna just as a column of liquid energy surges around her, climbing up into space to the constellation of stars. MacLeod runs to her but the Guardian blocks his path.The Guardian explains that the Source will be reborn through her. MacLeod must defeat the Guardian to be the One who will enter the Source with Anna. Dual-wielding two butterfly swords MacLeod manages to defeat the Guardian and a spectacular Quickening brings him into the Wellspring of the Source. He finds Anna but when she speaks it is with the sound of a chorus. She has become the voice of the Source.
Ordinary human progress is limited by the mortality of great men. The Immortals were created by the Source to have none of these constraints. And the power of the Quickening where one Immortal takes the essence of another through a beheading, would lead to people who can draw on the experience of many lives and many lifetimes. A gift to the human race.
The electrical currents around MacLeod and Anna grow to a blinding intensity and when it dies down ------ we are in the highlands of Scotland.
Duncan has become mortal and has aged the same as Anna.
A young man trains with Duncan in a field of heather. He is Connor MacLeod, Duncan’s son with Anna.
We will join young Connor as he follows his destiny as the new Highlander.
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