Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Lammas Night

The first Harvest Rite... a night of reflection and a night of sacrifice. The Sacred King sheds his blood upon the Hallowed Earth on this Holy Night. A communion of bread is taken... the wheat representing the divine as it is reaped and offered to provide life to all... The Christians echo this rite in their communion ceremony. It is a rite that harkens back to man's first days as a tiller of the soil.

Lammas Night is a time for sacrificing our regrets and saying our farewells... the Sun's reign is nearing an end... Winter calls out that it is coming...

Lammas is a special time for those of us who still honor the Old Ways.

I trust that Lammas has found you Well and True.

Now, go out and read Katherine Kurtz' wonderful novel that touches on the subject. Lammas Night is a delightful read, fast paced and entertaining, and more importantly, illuminating. You can thank me later.



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