Fallen, a made-for-television movie event, unfurled its wings last night, unleashing the Angelic Host upon an unsuspecting audience.
I went in with low expectations... this was the Family Channel after all. In the end however, I was quite pleased. The movie was well scripted and fast paced, and it did a fair job of remaining faithful to its origins, Tom Snieogski's Young Adult series of novels about a young man coming of age and learning he is one of the Nephilim. For those of you not up on your Angelology or Old Testement Lore, the Nephilim are the offspring of Angels and Humans, something forbidden by the Almighty.
I loved the special effects, especially Elizabeth Lackey (Verchiel) and her white bat wings. Oh, and of course, the Flaming Swords... the fights scenes were chalked full of excitement.
Best about this was the acting however, featuring a great performance from veteran Tom Skerritt as Ezekiel.
This is show with a lot of potential, and if they opt to make this in to an ongoing series, well, I for one would be there every week.
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