Ramblings of a Middle Aged Horror Writer
As always, family duties have come first. My son, joy that he is, has seen fit to embrace the "terrible twos" with the fervor befitting the child of a horror author. He's got me on the ropes and I'm desperately trying to avoid the knock-out punch. I love the challenge, though my wife thinks I'm too easy going and that I'm spoiling him... she's probably right. It's a hard job, this parenting schtick... that little boy's my whole world. It's hard for me to deny him having fun.
I also managed to celebrate a birthday... I turned 40 at 10:30 pm on March the 1st. Got some cool Robert E. Howard editions from my wife and son, a gift certificate to Best Buy (which I'll be using to pick up Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire on Tuesday) from my parents, a cool comic from my favorite sister-in-law, and two Marvel Legend figures (Thor and the Vision) from my brother and his family.
40 is just a number... I am still the same twelve year old kid inside that I've always been.
It seems like I should have more to say, but Keepers of the Dead is calling... back to the world of Cairnwood Manor for me, I think... I'll try to be more insightful later in the week.
In closing,let me reiterate the pain I have felt over the loss of Christina (Baker) Althouse. Man, she was a good kid... The world is a sadder place without her.
Until next time...
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