Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Well, I think I'm finally over the bout of pneumonia I've been battling since August 8... it's been trying but I'm finally starting to get some energy back.

I have managed to squeak out a couple of short stories, one in particular that is intended for a Carnival of Wicked Writer's anthology called Raw Meat. I'm crossing my fingers to get included in that one.

I've also taken this "down time" to brush the dust off of Autumn Moon and the Book of Shadows and have kicked out about 3000 additional words to that story. I anticipate it to be done by mid-September and I'll start shopping around in October.

Waiting now for the fallout from Katrina as storms are expected to roll in this afternoon. Mother Nature is a cruel mistress at times and I feel for the good folks of New Orleans, but in my heart of hearts, I love a good storm. I have always felt a preternatural connection with the flash of lightning and the roar of thunder and the pounding rain. It envigorates me and recharges my batteries...

Back to writing...

Be well and true...


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