Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Sanctum Sanctorum

Cross-genre novelist S.L. Veihl had an interesting blog about a writer's workspace this morning. I thought I would take this opportunity to discuss mine.

My "Den" is on the second floor and is roughly a 15 foot square with windows facing the north, south, and east.

The north wall contains bookcases filled with texts examining the occult, science, philosophy, psychology, mythology, and music. There is a Lord of the Rings dump, overflowing with all my Tolkien tomes, in the corner, a framed Frazetta over the window, a shelf that honors the works of Aleister Crowley, and another shelf with an array of Wizards curios.

The south wall has two smaller bookshelves, one that holds my quick reference books and my vanity shelf, and one that has some Viking curios, books on Norse Lore, some Robert E. Howard, and (completly out of place) my Laurell K. Hamilton collection. The wall is decorated with my bastard sword, a framed print of the Malcolm MacGregor/Cairnwood Manor cover, a framed Freeman family crest, a framed Conan that my brother drew for me in '81, a cool framed Elmore print of a Norse Sorceress, and two whiskey tins celebrating Scots History.

The west wall is made up of a closet (filled with some of my wife's stuff), the stairway, my paperback spinnerrack, a bookshelf filled with my cherished hardcovers (Eco,Kurtz, King, Rice, etc), and a bookshelf that holds my graphic novel collection, my Hardy Boys collection, my Harry Potters (along with nik-naks and curios relating to the boy wizard), and a host of art books. Some original art and an awesome framed homage to my first comic book that saw print decorate the wall.

The east wall is the workhorse. My over-sized antique teachers desk holds my computer, pictures of my wife and I, and collects all the various curios that I could cram upon it... a pythora of boxes and pouches guarding tarot cards and rune stones and magickal trinkets and minature spell books... and there's a massive school desk along the wall with a bookshelf (containing history books) and a librarian's magazine rack upon it (with plenty of room left over to lay reference out upon it). The walls are adorned with my vanity diplomas and awards, two framed Waterhouse prints (the Lady of Shalott and the Lovers), a framed renaissance-era spellcasting sorceress print, a woodburning on bark of a stalking wolf my brother did for me, and of course, various swords, daggers, wands, and animal skulls, and more... Best of all, from my desk, I can see the Willow my wife and I planted and nursed to its now monstrous size.

As you can tell, I like clutter... If I get stuck for an idea, I just sit back and let my eyes wander, and one is quick to come... and there you have it: my sanctum... my lofty perch from which I write... I'll add pictures soon, for those that are interested.


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