Happy Birthday Mac

I met Shannon in 1978 and we've been close friends, dare I say the best of friends, pretty much from day one. Together we shared a love for music and Magick, art and theatre... For countless hours we would sit and discuss myth and legend, life, death, and rebirth... When life threw us curveballs, we leaned on each other. I always tried to be someone she could count on. The gods know full and well that she was often there for me.
Oh, we had fun.
With a fervor unmatched by Bacchus, we relished in drunken revelry. With Fleetwood Mac playing in the background, we peeled back the layers of life's rich offering and we reinvented ourselves. We embraced life as only young people can.
Today, my dear friend turns forty, a milestone I passed a few months back. She wears it well. Shepparding over four beautiful children, Shannon is the quientessential Mother/Goddess, alive with a thirst for life's dark pagentry, which she embraces, remaking it in her own image.
We don't see each other as much anymore. We both have families and lives that require our attention... but that's alright. Our bond is unbreakable. Forged in our youth and tempered by the trials of angst-ridden evolution, our friendship is everlasting.
Shannon Marie McBride is my sister. We share not blood, but a spiritual kinship. I love her like only an older brother could.
Happy Birthday Mac... may this day be filled light and laughter.
You deserve it.
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