Perhaps I spoke too soon?
Pics from Okie Pinokie

Alright, first let me apologize. I was quite dismissive of this site in my post on Sunday. The location was crawling with people... lots of traffic in them there woods. We also had the misfortune of not getting any good EMF due to the presence of the huge power terminals that ran through there... the audible hum was an annoyance... add to that som other misfirings such as trying to take EVP and discovering there was no tape and then having the only batteries we had brought with us being dead... lots of things working against us.
We did get some definite impressions... cold chills, pendulum activity, some odd noises (at least two people thought they heard a female child's voice). Two of us had the strong sense that there was something there, but that it was being purposefully elusive. One of us believed it to be a female child playing with us, like a game of hide and seek. There were many factors working against us in this backwoods area and if it weren't so over-run with kids looking for a place to hang out, we might have actually got some good evidence.
Regardless, the pics above denote some activity... some orbs, mists, and an odd shape in the woods.
I would be hard pressed to call the site haunted... but it is active. I fear however that there is to much interference to ever come away with anything conclusive...
Anyway back to pimping Widdershins.
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