The wolves of Cairnwood are coming for you.
"The herded wolves, bold only to pursue;
The obscene ravens, clamorous o'er the dead. "
~Percy Shelley, “Adonais”
It started with SHADOWS OVER SOMERSET when a man named Bob Freeman unleashed a dark underworld that is not suppose to exist in which formidable creatures that are not suppose to be real not only dwell, but actually battle and reign upon the very thread of human existence. It’s with these bloodletting fascinations for things that go bumping and screaming in the terrible dead of night that we of Insidious Reflections are pleased to present you with an original Shadows Over Cairnwood contest.
This is your opportunity to sink your teeth into the rich meat that is the new order of Bob Freeman’s imaginative world and tear away with an exclusive prizes brought to you by Bob Freeman’s début novel in the Cairnwood Manor volume: SHADOWS OVER SOMERSET.
For the folks who enjoyed this monster of a book the first time around, this is a chance to add to your collection a very special offering. Playing is easy and the prizes are sure to have you howling all the way to the core of the dark and fantastic.
Rules of engagement:
We will post a daily question in our Insidious Reflections forum which can be located through our website at www.InsidiousReflections.com, as well as this message board and on MySpace - www.myspace.com/supernal_insanity - from Monday to Friday for the next three weeks. Some questions will be quite easy while others will force you to hunt a little deeper.
Answers can be found on our main website in the review section, in the forums within the author Q&A sub section, and of course in the current issue of the magazine in which yours truly conducts an interview with Bob Freeman. You’ll also want to check out Bob’s personal resources such as his Cairnwood Manor blog for further resource: www.myspace.com/cairnwoodmanor and I’m sure you can find a few more places of wisdom of your search is true and steadfast.
Please send all answers to contest@InsidiousReflections.com For every question answered correctly, entrants receive one ballad. After the first and second week respectively, a winner will be chosen to receive a personally inscribed copy of SHADOWS OVER SOMERSET which also includes prose from the author exclusively added for this contest.
After the third and final week all ballots will be tallied for the grand prize and the entrant with the most ballots over all shall win a personally inscribed special copy of SHADOWS OVER SOMERSET with an alternative cover PLUS an exciting peek into Bob’s next book: KEEPERS OF THE DEAD, book two in the Cairnwood volume.
It gets better. If you happen to miss a day or five of playing, Bob is offering you a way to catch up on ballots and move ahead of the pack. Check out his website at www.cairnwood.net and look close, real close. Hidden within the site are four secret words. Find them all and unravel the mysterious phrase and ye shall receive an additional fifteen ballots! Just like that, because having a busy lifestyle should never get in the way of winning cool stuff. If you keep an eye out you may even get a clue or two thrown your way to help you in your noble quest of unlocking the secret.
Nothing so difficult about that, eh? The prizes are but a single ballot away, but the more often your wisdom prevails, the closer you get to stepping off this contest field victorious and well rewarded. Winning is closer than you think so get ready to have fun and play safe, for the eyes of Cairnwood are upon us all. This contest will commence beginning on Monday with the first question.
May the best warriors win!
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