Lightning Eyes

Releasing yourself into the ethereal playground takes an enormous leap of faith and unfathomable courage...
We shackle ourselves to the world we know, where we feel safe and secure in what is real and animate, but if for but one shining moment you could have it all stripped away and you could step beyond the material and sail across the realm eternal, how could you then return to what is known?
We wear our limitations like suits of armour, protecting us from the dragon's fire of immortality. Out here on the perimeter there are no stars. Out here we are stoned immaculate.
Lightning Eyes
Bob Freeman 1989
In the temple, kneel in prayer.
Does she answer? Does she care?
Ask my question to the open sky.
Visions of god beyond
The mighty walls of Babylon.
Into the desert I fly.
What do I hope to find?
No more reason, no more rhyme.
For forty days and forty nights I crawl.
Maddness and misery.
No one knows my self but me.
I'm an angel just before the Fall.
Sunlight on desert sand.
Lost within the Pharoh's land.
Searching for answers, my friend.
My eyes are tempest rain.
Never more to be the same.
Lord, I am born again.
Sunlight sinking all around.
Never more to touch the ground.
Lifted into ebon skies.
Lord I see with Lightning Eyes.
There is nothing here for me.
My soul has touched infinity.
On the wind my spirit flies.
Lord I see with Lightning Eyes.
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