Tuesday, April 05, 2005

What is in fact up?

Well, 6000 words into Keepers of the Dead and it's shaping up nicely. You can listen, yes I said "listen" , to a couple of snigglets HERE.

Look for the addition of an audio short story, DAZ, to be included on the Cairnwood website in the next week or so.

Midnight Sun is at the printers and should be available by the first week of May.

The wife and kids will be joining me on a mini-holiday the first of next week. We're going to Brown County for a relaxing stay in some out of the way cabins. Antiqueing, book browsing, hiking, and ghost hunting should make for a fun three days... plus we'll be shooting a movie of the whole experience. Bobtown, the most haunted area in all of Indiana: here we come! I'd be willing to bet a short story comes out of this trip as well...


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