Tuesday, April 19, 2005

To err is human, to proof read is slime

A job's a job, right? Well, writing, though maybe not paying off at the moment, is my primary job and focus. With the release of Cairnwood Manor looming and hard work on the subsequent installments in high gear a slight speed bumper is underfoot. My wife has donated her valuable time to help me with some last minute, zero-hour proof reading. It is the one part of writing that I despise. I'm a pefectionist by nature but I have yet to hone the necessary skills to being good at the proof reading process. It's just not a very glamorous aspect to the craft of wordsmithery, but a necessary evil none the less.

I have completed at long last the Cairnwood Manor Visual Guidebook and like it so much that I will be printing up nine signed copies to be made available as gifts and promotional material. It is a collector's item in the making!


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