Saturday, November 20, 2004

Too good to pass up...

This was posted by Laurell K. Hamilton on her weblog:

You know how some compainies have causual Friday. Since we are pretty causual everyday, I suggested that we have dress up Fridays. Darla and Jon whined, and gave me that look, so I dropped the idea, for now. But you know me, once an idea enters my head, it sits there until I find something to do with it, so . . . TODAY IS THE FIRST EVER EVIL FRIDAY. How does it work? Wear a shirt with the word EVIL on it, or a scary phrase. The idea came to me while Darla was showing me some shirts on the Pegasus Publishing site. We ended up buying shirts for all the full time employees, yes all three of us. Shirts read, “Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.” Too fun to pass up, so for the first official evil Friday we have matching shirts. If you want to play along next time we have an evil Friday, we’ll let you know ahead of time. If you work in a corporate work enviroment that doesn’t allow t-shirts with slogans may I suggest a Halloween tie or pin, or a district lapel pin with a frightening theme. Or, heck, just dress all in black and look scary, attitude counts. For those of you who dress scary everyday, try throwing everyone, dress all in white, or pastel. Trust me, if your co-workers are used to seeing you dressing Goth and you suddenly show up looking like Sweet Mary Sunshine, they will be afraid, very afraid. People are always weirded out by their co-workers acting too far out of character. Squeak the mundanes, play good for a day. For those of you who dress mundane everyday but work with a Goth co-worker, nothing would weird them out more than you coming to work dressed like them. Have fun, be scary.Evil Friday, just another way to make the work place a happier place to be. - posted by LKH @ 8:56 AM


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