Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bush again...

Well, another four years of W. Can't say that I'm pleased. Not that Kerrey was any better...he was just smarter. Say what you will, but W is a moron...Hell, he and Dan Quayle would have been a perfect ticket. I can suffer through a lot, but dumbassedness is not one of them. I think the War in Iraq is wrong and is a case of wagging the dog, distracting us from our inept handling of the bin Laden issue. You want to fight Terror? Good luck. Terrorists have the advantage of playing on offense. While I agree with the idea of taking the fight to them (see I can give the guy some credit), you've got to at least make sure you're both playing on the same field. The arena is NOT Iraq. Iraq was a threat to no one but Jr's pride. Regardless, the USof A is the greatest nation on Earth, even with an illiterate f**k for a president...OK, end of Bush-bashing. He's the Prez and I stand behind him, because that's what we do as Americans. It's like a marriage. You might bitch and moan and cuss and fight, but you still love each other and I have no doubt that Georgie loves his country. So congrats George W. Bush! Keep the chair warm for the next guy and good luck and goddess bless...Remember to keep your eye on the prize and please, W., remember that this is a great nation that deserves your best effort to keep her flying straight.


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