Saturday, October 09, 2004

Happy Birthday Son!

One year ago today my son was born.

Connor Landon Freeman is the living embodiment of all that is right with the world. He is the light in my darkness, the song in my heart. He is my whole world.

I love him so much.

He is bright and funny, sweet and innocent, brave, fearless, and strong. He has a personality and a mind that is all his own, and he is filled with joy and wonderment.

Fitting that he was born on Leif Eriksson Day, for he is curious, and proud, and seeks out answers to the world around him.

I am proud to be his father and I am blessed that he has a good mother. Kim and he have a bond that only a mother and son can share.

Thank you Connor for allowing me to be your father.

I love you.

Happy Birthday, my boy...Happy Birthday.

Hail Connor Landon Freeman!


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