Friday, October 08, 2004

Welcome to the World, Baby Girl

Roger and Alison York are the proud parents of a beautiful little girl named Whitney Lynn, born in the early evening hours of the the 7th.

My own son, who turns 1 tomorrow, will have a playmate! Arranged marriage anyone? :)

I am thrilled for Rog and Ali...Alison and I have been friends for something like 18 years and she is like a sister to me. I love her like family and am overjoyed that she has had another child.

And Tori and Damon get a kid sister too. You two be good to her. There is nothing better than siblings. Help her and nurture guys will have as much of an impact on Whitney as your Mom and her and she'll love you back twice as much.

Rog. Alison. I recommend that you both get as much sleep as you can in the next few days, guys, 'cause if Whitney is anything like Connor then you're in for a year of sleepless nights. :)

Hail Whitney Lynn York! Hail the parents who have brought her forth!

Hey Rog, where's my cigar?


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