Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Cairnwood Manor Update

Sent in the most recent edits for Cairnwood Manor: Shadows over Somerset today. Black Death Books has been very helpful in getting this book pulled together. I really feel like I could tweek it for another decade, but at some point you just have to say "it's ready" and let the public decide if it has merit or not. Still, I am very nervous. This is my first foray into this branch of publishing and it's a fickle business. But I know I've crafted a good story and populated it with a cast of diverse and interesting characters. And if the feedback I've been getting from test-readers is any indication, then I really have nothing to worry about.

Cairnwood Manor speaks for itself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Start shipping the books out to authors you know or admire to get those cover blurbs before the novel goes into production. It was a Lebbon blurb that realy helped Species sell for me at Shocklines: seven consecutive weeks on the advance order bestsellers list, peaking at #1. It was #1 in In-Stock Bestsellers list the week it shipped. I had absolutely nothing in print before that, but it sold well thanks to Tim's words. I can't emphasize enough how important those blurbs are for that first novel! Not so much for the subsequent releases so much (I think).

I apologize if you're already way ahead of me, but if not, and you need a hand, let me know at michael(at)mcbridehorror.com!


Mike McBride

9:45 PM  
Blogger Bob Freeman said...

Thanks for stopping by, Mike. That's great advice. I had not even considered the need for a cover blurb. Guess that's why I'm new to this game, huh?

7:54 AM  

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