Thursday, December 30, 2004

Random Thoughts

* What does it say about the book industry when once heralded stars are auctioning off prized possessions on ebay to make ends meet? I'm seeing the same thing coming from the comic community as writers and artists race to sell off their comicbook collections. Looks like it's a tough time to be an artist. Don't quit your day job no longer is a statement referring to ones's a matter of survival.

*Noteable Christmas Acquisitions: a new necklace to bear my wedding ring and mjolnir talisman {from the wifey} / a slew of Laurell K. Hamilton books {from the wifey and her brother Nick} / a digital camera and printer {from me parental units} / LOTR and SW box sets {again, from me units} / an acoustic guitar {from my brother}

*I miss reading comics. Which in turn is a double edged statement: 1.) I'm too poor. 2.) Comics cost too damn much.

*Jerry Orbach passed away. At least we'll always have TNT for L&O reruns. Lenny's the bomb.

*Queen has reformed with Paul Rogers on vocals. Queen is Dead. Long Live Queen.

*I'm one lucky SOB. I've got a great family that puts up with the majority of my shit. Could I ask for anything better than that?

*I'd trade my callous soul for a 30 hour day instead of the 24 that I can't seem to get anything done in.

*Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?



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