Tuesday, January 03, 2006

This bird having flown

Writing is a lot like parenting... everybody has advice on how to do it right, but the only method that really works is to trust your instincts and do the best you can. Oh, there's always the snippet of wisdom to be found here and there, but a novel, like a child, is your baby. You nurture it, you give it love, and fill it with your own experiences... then you send it off into the world and hope for the best.

Cairnwood Manor is my baby. It's been with me, from first glimmers of thought to actual words on paper for 18 years. I guess my baby's all grown up and ready to leave the house for the cold, cruel world.

A child leaves the nest at 18 to carve a place for itself in the world and leave its mark. Here's to hoping Cairnwood Manor does the same.

You can pre-order Cairnwood Manor: Shadows Over Somerset directly from the publisher, KHP Industries or, for free shipping, from Shocklines.

Other online outlets will be available upon the book's actual release.

Read a review of the book at Horror Web.


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